Finally, Luca$ has gotten it together and will release the original (as in the original cuts) of his beloved Star Wars-Han-shoots-first trilogy. Sweet! I despise 88% of all the newer movies he's done, but the old ones, just like we saw 'em way back? That I can get into.
Luca$ is right alright...
First it was the remastered versions on DVD. Now it's the original ones. Then it will be the BluRay ones. And then, of course, the HD-format ones.
Luca$ with a big $.
Maybe having to buy new versions every couple of years is our punishment for not embracing Howard the Duck...
But I embrace Lea Thompson crawling across the bed in Howard the Duck (in her nightie), c'mon, all you guys remember it. It was quite a moment from my movie-going childhood.
Hey, as long as Han shoots first, I'd buy the DVD, HD-DVD and BluRay versions in a flash.
Problem is that the release technically isn't the original trilogy. The OT is an extra on the disc, and in glorious Dobly 2.0. I wouldn't be surprised if the visuals aren't even remastered.
I'll wait for high def versions thank you.
I agree he is using these to make money, but this would make the 2nd iteration of Star Wars on DVD. Many more movies have two and three versions out there.
HD-DVD and Blu Ray aren't arguments because all movies will be ported to the new format eventually.
Han shoots first!
Tom C. - But if the original trilogy is included in the set, how is it not the original trilogy?
I'm glad they're available, I think he did it for money, but I have the 1995 widescreen VHS release and the laserdisc versions.... I'm set for now.... sorry George... that's what you get for Episode III.
(though, I'm sure he's not losing sleep over it, damn him.)
Aaron, you're right, and I've got that VHS widescreen, too. I won't be first in line or anything, but if I see it at Target and it's on sale, I'll pick up a set.
And he should be punished for ep 3. and 2. And 1.
It's an interesting thing...Lucas seems to continue to pump out the franchise to make money...
However- he has always been clear that the original prints were no where near what he had invisioned...
makes you wonder if he just got lucky. One thing is for sure, he knows $$$ when he sees it in other peoples pockets.
Lucas has us by the balls. It's friggin' Star Wars!
I watched The Breakfast Club on cable this afternoon. I made the connection between the film and your blog for the first time. Awesome flick.
I'm not saying it isn't the OT. I'm saying the focus of the release is not the OT. The OT is a supplement on the disc, not the main content.
As such, they seem to be content on releasing it with sub-standard audio.
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