.....You'll probably see this dickbag, dragging his coked-up whore, Paris, behind him. Just caught a video of him (his name is Brandon Davis) thoroughly trashing Lindsay Lohan while the idiot-slut (that'd be Paris) giggles in the background with her ultra-cool cell phone stuck to her dopey face.
Pieces of shit, both of them. Look, you may have issues with Lohan, but hell if she ain't out there working her ass off (she's making like, 10 movies a month, 80% smaller, independent stuff), so who the hell is this bottomfeeder to go and trash her? He is nobody, a useless coke-snorting waste of oxygen.
Check out TMZ.com for the train wreck video clip.
Now, I'm not a violent guy, and I'm certainly not promoting violence, but I will say this - If you see him and Princess Asshole (that'd still be Paris) walking down the street, could you kindly fling as much dog shit at them as humanly possible? Thanks a bunch.
Lohan is smart enough to be in an Altman film. Plus she's getting ready to do a film in St. Louis. That's enough for me.
That's what I'm saying, man. her music may be dreadful, and her partying may be frowned upon, but she's young, let her have fun, at least she's out there WORKING.
I agree. I think Lohan has a lot of promise in her future. Altman is a good start.
As far as those two scumbags go...where do I begin?
I could care less for any of them, but in the same token...my respect lay on the side of lohan.
You're right about one thing...she's out there doing it, and it seems she's slowly striding toward being considered a good actress...but that'll wait...as for this dude, well...
He's the reason abortions should be mandatory.
Wait a sec--
How'd you know I carried dog shit in my purse?! Did I blog about that?
Did I just say "purse?!"
He and Paris are two compelling reasons to support a really large estate tax. They are poster children for how worthless people who didn't earn their money can be.
That video was the best thing to happen to Lohan's career since "Mean Girls" -- in one move it isolated her from that albatross, Paris Hilton, and brought her some sympathy that had been on the wane since the tabloids jumped all over her partying.
Lohan has certainly made some junk, but I'm sure the paychecks were decent. Plus, with Altman plus that Chapter 27 movie (about Mark David Chapman) I think her choices are improving greatly.
Plus I love her freckles.
Hopefully those two cockscabs in the video will OD or something very soon.
I don't know why LL seems to cop bad press about her partying. If there had been cameras following me around when I was under 22(let alone having millions in the bank) I would have made her look like an Disney Princess, and I really didn't do anything that bad, just enjoyed myself.
You know you have made a good start to Uni life when you get voted President of your college in what you guys call your freshman year. :)
Working in hotels, all I can imagine the Hilton hotel chain board does every week is get down and pray Paris does not want to get involved in the day to day operations.
Coool. I've been saving dog shit for awhile. I KNEW it would be handy one day.
oh I thought that was Ken Wahl doing a walk-on from an episode of Las Vegas or something...
Couldn't agree more, man. Excellent post.
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