Monday, April 16, 2007

Norton = Hulk

Edward Norton has been cast as the Hulk in the sequel to Hulk, called The Incredible Hulk. That's a lot of Hulk. He's a great actor, so I think it could work. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I never bet against Edward Norton. He's as good as they come.

Anonymous said...

if I can get past Robert Downey Jr as IronMan, I suppose anything is possible

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Ironman. But with all the wide ranging, major talent Downey has shown in his career, I'm thinking he can handle a superhero.
But then again, I've never read it so we'll see.

Anonymous said...

At some point Edward is gonna turn into a hulking pile of green CGI... I'm betting the movie sucks.

Anonymous said...

Edward Norton...Wow...I would've never thought of him as the "HULK". But knowing his acting capabilities....I think he'll pull it off!