Friday, November 01, 2013


So, what's up with y'all. Are we still blogging? I don't know. At my current rate I do it twice a year (and it's been 1.5 years since my last post). I guess it's easier to slap something down on Twitter or The Facebook.

Let's see what's new since I last did this. Raised my kids some more. Saw some movies. Took some photographs. And I wrote. Tweaked my script, The Accidents, which landed in Nicholl as a quarterfinalist, which is cool. Got some requests for it, so I'm waiting to hear back on those.

Had two scripts optioned. I'm re-writing one of those as soon as I receive notes. The other, I dunno, not looking good. I was hired to write a new script which I'm in the middle of, which is a cool thing.

I have a few others that I'd LOVE to write, but I really need to get this one done first. And I have 16 different stories I'd like to turn into novels, but with zero time to even think about starting any of those. As it is, I have one completed novel collecting bytes in my computer, and 3 others that are started. Boo.

Okay, back to my script!